Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Potty Party!

Today Sammy had a special party in her honour at school...she had a Potty Party. This is a celebration that Ms. Sydney throws when a child has been dry with no accidents at school for two full weeks. Sammy had actually been dry for almost a month at school but due to the holidays and her birthday...we delayed the party a bit.

The kids all made brownies this morning and then Steve and I showed up to celebrate and enjoy brownies with the kiddos.

We still have an occasional accident at home here and there but I'll give the girl credit and call her POTTY TRAINED!

As a special gift...she received this little lady to add to her collection!

Justin's new helmet!

Justin got a new helmet today because his other one wasn't fitting him securely and properly. We have to go through the "breaking in" process again and this ones a bit bulkier than the last one but he is still quite the cutey!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My little baker

Sammy helped Mommy make pumpkin muffins today. She excitedly exclaimed that she was making snakes in the batter.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

He's officially a sitter!

Justin went from his tummy to sitting up today for the first time (anyone has seen anyway). Ms. Sydney caught him on his knee at school and snapped a picture to send and comment about him crawling soon and instead she took a second picture of him sitting on his butt.

He's growing far too fast!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Samantha's 3 Year Pictures

Sammy started off great and we got some really cute pictures to mark her turning 3!

I love this girl!

It's Party Time

Off to Neverland...

Today we celebrate Sammy's 3rd birthday with all our/her friends. We sprung for a party at Pump it Up in Union City, which is a place full of bouncy castles, slides, mazez, etc. Sammy had and absolute blast and didn't want to leave.

After Pump it Up, we all went back to the house and had a bbq, to play and open presents. It was a great time had by all!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Samantha, You're 3!

Today my little girl turns 3 years old...oh how the time has flow by far too quickly.

Sammy got a special wake up this morning with a room full of balloons. We had a blast having a balloon battle first thing in the morning. Sammy, Justin and I all got ready for the day and Sammy and I dropped Justin off at school so we could have a special breakfast together. After a yummy breakfast we stopped off at the store to pick up some cupcakes for Sammy to share with her friends at school.

For a special treat, since Sammy's birthday party isn't until the weekend, we took her to Chuck E Cheese, because thanks to the commercials she knows it where "a kid can be a kid." We spent three long hours there with Daddy, Grandma Dee, brother and I and walked away with a Sleeping Beauty figurine, a lollipop, a Dora note pad and a crayon pencil. Overall, I think it was her favorite part of the day.

Sammy has blossomed into a beautiful, extremely smart, yet stubborn, funny, imaginative, loving little girl. We are so lucky to watch her grow!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Here we come!

I've blogged before and when I look back at old posts, the memories come rushing back and that's an awesome feeling. So I've decided its time to start blogging again. Hopefully I can keep up and keep family and friends informed and a bigger part of our lives!
So here goes nothing...enjoy the ride!